Hovslund Gymnastikforenings formål er ved idræt, foredrag og festlige sammenkomster at medvirke til at dygtiggøre en sund og livsglad ungdom. Foreningen er opdelt i følgende afdelinger: Badminton, dart, fodbold, gymnastik, håndbold, tennis, stavgang, sponsor og event.


Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started. Or maybe you just want to tell your visitors a little bit about yourself and the subject of this stunning website that you’re currently building. Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started.


Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started. Or maybe you just want to tell your visitors a little bit about yourself and the subject of this stunning website that you’re currently building. Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started.


Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started. Or maybe you just want to tell your visitors a little bit about yourself and the subject of this stunning website that you’re currently building. Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started.